Are Self-Storage Facilities a Good Investment Choice?

April 11, 2024

If you’ve paid attention to the self storage market in recent times, then you must have noticed that it’s projecting growth. However, does growing popularity also mean it is a good investment opportunity? Well, you can look forward to these questions and more regarding the self storage industry and get answers.

So, are self storage facilities a good investment? In short, thanks to the growing population, thriving online retail sector, and shift towards flexible living arrangements, the industry is seeing an increasing demand for these services. 

Let’s explore the reasons why self-storage has become such a popular investment option, highlighting the economic and societal trends driving the industry's growth.

Unlock Your Property Potential with Self-Storage Solutions!

Introduction to Self Storage Industry

A significant amount of growth in the self storage industry in past years is driven by various economic and societal trends. Those considering a venture into this lucrative sector should first understand the dynamics of self-storage investment. You can do so by either converting existing properties for self storage, investing in development, or seeking professional management like Wigwam Management for their facilities.

Overview of the Self Storage Industry

Over time, the self-storage sector has proven to be exceptionally recession-resilient despite facing economic downturns. The growth within the industry is not just proof of the booming economy but also the industry’s ability to withstand recessions. This resilience is a result of the constant demand for storage space, which can be due to downsizing, movement, or decluttering of places. 

Conceptual Aspect of Self Storage Investment

Investing in self-storage can be an attractive proposition for a wide range of investors. Compared to real estate investments, investing in self storage can yield greater potential, lower costs, and significant ROI (returns on investment). 

As an example, property owners may be interested in turning land or existing buildings into self-storage facilities. This has the potential to open up new revenue streams by utilizing unused assets to generate income. 

Role of Economic and Societal Trends

  1. The flexible aspect of a self storage solution for individuals and businesses is one of the reasons for its growth. The industry offers an efficient option to manage your space efficiently and cost-effectively. 
  2. The growth in the formation of urban cities and the shrinking size of living spaces create a high demand for self storage. The changing lifestyle and patterns such as downsizing also contribute to the need for self storage.

Advantages of Investing in Self-Storage

are self storage facilities a good investment
Advantages of Investing in Self-Storage

The self storage sector presents a unique blend of high demand, stable income, and operational efficiency. Here is why self-storage facilities are a compelling choice for property investors.

High Demand: There is a steady demand for self storage units in the UK which is driven by relocation, downsizing, or simply the need for additional storage. Businesses also require self-storage solutions for inventory management and operational flexibility. This demand will surely translate into a robust market with a high revenue potential.

Stable Income: Unlike residential or commercial rentals, self storage units are known as a stable income stream. These units are not prone to changes in occupancy and rent prices. Instead, self storage offers a more predictable revenue model. Add to that low maintenance costs and less frequent consumer turnover and you’ve got an efficient income generator. 

Economic Durability: During tough economic times, both individuals and businesses look forward to downsizing and temporary storage solutions. Hence, there is a consistent need for storage, regardless of economic conditions. 

Operations Advantages: Self-storage facilities often need fewer staff to operate and low maintenance and repair costs. Furthermore, as an owner, you get the potential for additional income through late fees, administrative fees, and the sale of packing supplies.

Short Lease Terms: Owners can adjust rental rates to match market demand by offering short lease terms. This is a significant benefit over longer-term commercial or residential leases with fixed duration. Investors can maximize profits by adapting to market conditions quickly.

Profitability of Self-Storage Units

Like any investment, the profitability of self-storage units hinges on several factors, from location to management.

Factors Influencing Profitability

Location: A facility situated in a densely populated area or near residential and commercial developments is more likely to attract tenants. 

Demand: Regions with high population growth, downsizing trends, or a bustling housing market often have higher needs for storage solutions. 

Competition: An area with already established self-storage facilities may limit profitability unless you offer distinct advantages or services. 

Importance of Effective Management

Take the help of professional management teams that specialize in self-storage management to enhance your facility's performance. Effective operations such as efficient marketing, customer service, and maintenance can have a significant effect on your facility’s success. 

Self-Storage Vs Other Real Estate Investments in Terms of ROI

When compared to other real estate investments, self-storage units hold a major advantage in terms of Return on Investment (ROI). The key benefits include lower construction and maintenance costs, higher resilience during economic downturns, and the ability to quickly adjust to market demand changes.

Traditional real estate investments often come with higher initial investments and operational costs. Self-storage, on the other hand, presents a more accessible entry point for new investors and an attractive diversification option.

Unlock Your Property Potential with Self-Storage Solutions!

Factors Affecting Market Demand 

Let’s focus on why self-storage facilities are emerging as a lucrative investment opportunity considering market trends, demand drivers, technological advancements, and the role of professional management services.

Market Trends

Are self storage facilities a good investment for the UK market? The self-storage market isn't just booming on paper. The UK market is displaying this growth, with industry reports indicating a projected turnover exceeding £1 billion in 2023. This positive outlook signifies a robust market primed for investment.

Demand Drivers

The trend towards urbanization in the UK means more people are living in smaller apartments or flats with limited storage space. This creates a crucial need for off-site storage solutions for personal belongings, seasonal items, or even business documents.

Technological Advancements

The self-storage industry is embracing technology. Advancements in access control systems, online booking platforms, and automated surveillance provide a seamless and secure experience for customers. 

Storage for Business Needs

The rise of e-commerce and local businesses means they need to keep inventory readily available for faster deliveries. Self storage facilities strategically located in places closer to this customer base can optimize efficiency in delivery. 

Challenges and Risks

The self-storage sector is also accompanied by a set of challenges that require careful consideration and strategic planning. However, while challenges exist, the rewards of self-storage investment can be significant. Let’s take a look at some risks and challenges.

Market Positioning 

Success in self-storage goes beyond simply owning a facility. Location, accessibility, unit mix, and competitor analysis are all crucial factors. A well-positioned facility with active management that caters to local demand can thrive better in the industry. To stand out you must conduct ongoing market research, strategic pricing, and value-added services.

Managing Tenant Turnover

Unlike long-term leases, self-storage units often have shorter contracts. While this offers flexibility, it also requires consistent effort to maintain high occupancy rates. To minimize vacancy and turnover, you must place effective marketing strategies, competitive pricing adjustments, and efficient tenant management systems.

Oversupply and Competition

The self-storage industry is attractive, so it may attract new facilities to pop up in your area. This can lead to oversupply and competition which can affect occupancy rates and rental income. You can mitigate such risks by conducting thorough market research and partnering with experienced self-storage management companies like Wigwam Storage Management.

Security and Legal Considerations 

Security is paramount for self-storage facilities. They must invest in advanced security systems, proper access control, and perimeter security. You can additionally follow legal regulations and insurance requirements to protect your investment and tenant’s items.

Investment Strategies for Self-Storage

As we’ve established by now, the self-storage industry offers potential investors and property owners a unique opportunity for growth and profitability. Before investing, knowledge of various investment strategies available is helpful.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) 

REITs are companies that own, operate, or finance income-producing real estate across a range of sectors. They offer a low-barrier entry point for investors looking to gain exposure to the self-storage sector. It is a great starting option for individuals or companies new to real estate investment or seeking to diversify their portfolio with minimal direct management responsibilities. 

Direct Purchase

A strategic option for investors wanting more control and returns is to directly purchase a self storage facility. It may require a larger upfront investment and a better knowledge of the self storage market, including local demand, competition, and regulatory considerations.

Building New Facilities

For those owning a land, building a self storage facility upon it can be a lucrative venture. Considering factors such as location, demand, and more, this investment option can offer a high level of control. However, it may involve potential risk and major initial investment in terms of construction, time, and resources. 

Self-Storage Syndicates

This option offers a middle-ground solution between REITs and direct ownership. You gain better control than REITs with a lower initial investment compared to direct purchase. It typically involves pooling resources with other investors to purchase or develop self-storage facilities. Syndicates can be structured in various ways, but typically, a professional management team operates the investment.

Factors to Consider Before Investing

In your decision to invest in a self storage facility, you must consider several key factors. These will not only ensure the viability of your investment but also pave the way for maximizing returns. 

Potential Locations

The success of a self-storage facility heavily relies on its location. For your facility, an ideal location could include areas with high residential density, limited storage options, and easy accessibility. Conducting detailed market research will help you in this scenario. This involves evaluating the local population's demographics, lifestyle trends, competitive landscape, and occupancy rates to gauge demand. 

Financial Analysis

A robust financial model helps you estimate the profitability of a self-storage investment. Analysis of initial acquisition or development costs, ongoing operational costs, and possible revenue streams come under the model. 

Key performance indicators (KPIs), like return on investment (ROI), cash flow, and break-even analysis will help predict profitability. Additionally, consider factors such as rental rates, occupancy levels,  financing options, tax implications, and operational efficiencies.

Understand Target Customers

The success of a self-storage facility depends on how well it meets the needs of its customer base. For this, a deep knowledge of the local market's demand dynamics and the reasons behind storage needs (downsizing, relocation, commercial) is helpful. One way is through segmenting the customer base into residential and commercial clients. This way you can tailor services based on specific requirements.

Risks Mitigation

Like any investment, self-storage facilities come with a set of risks. To avoid risks, conduct strategic planning, including comprehensive market analysis, due diligence, and contingency planning. In addition, ensure appropriate insurance coverage for property damage, liability, and business interruption. Security measures such as surveillance and access control also come in handy.

Investing in the Future

To answer the question, ‘Are self storage facilities a good investment?’, we must consider the future possibilities. An investment in such a rapidly evolving landscape can mean profitable income and growth. So, what does the future look like? Let’s find out!

Continued Growth 

The self storage industry is consistently growing over the past few years and shows no sign of slowing down. Factors such as urbanization, downsizing, and the increasing mobility of the population contribute to its high demand. Many predict continued growth in the future, so investment in a facility can be a lucrative deal.

Emerging Trends and Opportunities

As any market matures, it also evolves to offer new expansion opportunities. The sector is currently subject to new technological advancements, whether it is modern security systems or digital management platforms. In addition, investors can tap into niche markets such as climate-controlled units for sensitive items or specialized storage for recreational vehicles as per their requirements. 

Diversified Investment Portfolio

Diversifying investments is a great strategy to mitigate risks and enhance returns. By including self storage units in your portfolio, you are in a safe space against the financial volatility of real estate investments. Recession resilience and lower tenant turnover rates add to the appeal of such an interesting sector.

Long-Term Potential 

If you're in it for the long haul, then consider this- the basic demand drivers for storage including life events, business needs, and societal trends are unlikely to diminish. Therefore, there will always be a consistent need for self storage facilities. Moreover, self-storage investments offer flexibility as facilities can be adapted to market changes to ensure relevance and profitability over time.

Unlock Your Property Potential with Self-Storage Solutions!


Success in self-storage investment demands informed decision-making and meticulous strategic planning. Understanding market dynamics, leveraging technological advancements, and adhering to regulatory standards are foundational elements of a successful investment strategy.

Are self storage facilities a good investment? The answer is yes! The benefits, including stable income streams, low operational costs, and the ability to quickly adjust to market conditions, make self-storage investments a viable option. However, as with any investment, one must consider gaining an understanding of the market, potential risks, and strategic considerations that influence success.

Wigwam Storage Management helps you make informed decisions for a secure future in the self storage industry. Here at Wigwam, we believe in empowering property owners and investors with the necessary knowledge of the industry. We understand that venturing into a new market like self-storage requires strategic planning and a keen understanding of the landscape.

Hence, by partnering with us, you gain access to our expertise in the self-storage industry. Whether you’re thinking of leasing or selling your land or building for self storage, or already own a self storage facility, Wigwam is here to help you through every step of the process.

Let’s get you started!

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