Best Self-Storage Insurance Comparison in the UK

April 16, 2024

Self-storage units in the UK are becoming increasingly popular for individuals and businesses alike who need extra space for their belongings. However, ensuring the safety of stored items is crucial, which is why self-storage insurance is essential.

This type of insurance provides peace of mind by protecting valuables from potential risks like theft, fire, or water damage.

With the rising demand for self-storage, understanding and comparing insurance options has become more important than ever. Despite the initial complexity, getting familiar with the basics of self-storage insurance can empower individuals and businesses to make informed decisions.

Whether storing family heirlooms, business inventory, or seasonal decorations, having the right insurance coverage ensures that stored items are well-protected against unforeseen circumstances.

Why Self-Storage Insurance is Essential?

When you store items away from home or your business premises, it's crucial to know they're protected. Let's break down why self-storage insurance is so important.

  • Protection Against Specific Risks Associated With Storage

Even in the safest storage facilities, unexpected events like fires, floods, or theft can occur. Self-storage insurance is designed to cover these specific risks, offering you peace of mind that your belongings are protected. Think of it as a safety net for your stored items, ensuring they're covered in scenarios that you might not have anticipated.

  • Goes Beyond Household or Business Insurance Coverage

You might think your home or business insurance would cover your items in storage, but that's not always the case. Often, these policies offer limited protection for items stored off-premises, or they might not cover certain types of damage. Self-storage insurance is tailored to fill these gaps, providing comprehensive coverage specifically for your stored belongings.

  • Often Required by Storage Facilities

Many top-notch storage facilities in the UK will ask you to have insurance before renting out a unit. This isn't because they're expecting something bad to happen; it's a precautionary measure to ensure everyone's peace of mind. If anything were to happen to your items while stored, having insurance means you're covered, and it simplifies the process of getting compensated for any loss or damage.

Looking for a secure self-storage unit that prioritizes the safety of your belongings just as much as you do? Discover how Wigwam Storage offers not just top-notch security but also ease of access - your belongings are safe and easily reachable whenever you need them. 

What Does Self-Storage Insurance Cover?

self storage insurance coverage

Understanding the scope of your self-storage insurance is key to ensuring your peace of mind. Let's dive into what these policies typically cover, so you know exactly how your belongings are protected.

Comprehensive Coverage 

A robust self-storage insurance policy offers comprehensive coverage that safeguards your belongings against a wide range of incidents. This includes protection from natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, and storms, which can cause significant damage to storage facilities and the items within. Additionally, the policy covers theft and vandalism, offering you compensation in the unfortunate event that your items are stolen or intentionally damaged while in storage. It's this extensive protection that makes self-storage insurance invaluable, ensuring that your possessions are covered against the most common risks faced while stored away.

In Transit Cover for Belongings 

An often overlooked but crucial aspect of self-storage insurance is 'In Transit' coverage. This part of the policy protects your items while they are being transported to or from the storage facility. Whether you're moving items into storage or taking them out, accidents can happen during transit. With In Transit coverage, your belongings are protected against loss or damage during transportation, providing an additional layer of security for your stored items.

List of Items Typically Covered 

Self-storage insurance policies are designed to cover a wide range of items, ensuring that most of your belongings can be protected under a single policy. Commonly covered items include:

  • Electronic equipment, which covers everything from computers and TVs to cameras and smartphones. 
  • Furniture, both domestic and office, is also covered, protecting your chairs, tables, sofas, and desks against potential risks.
  • Personal possessions, such as clothes, books, and decorative items, are included as well, ensuring that the majority of items you might choose to store are safeguarded. 

However,  While understanding what your self-storage insurance policy covers is crucial, choosing a storage provider that maintains high-security standards can significantly reduce the risks your valuables face. Wigwam Storage is designed with your peace of mind as our top priority, utilizing innovative technologies for security and customer convenience. 

Comparing Self Storage Insurance Providers

When it comes to choosing the right self-storage insurance, the market is filled with options. Each provider offers its unique blend of coverage, benefits, and costs, making the comparison process crucial. Below, we’ll guide you through comparing self-storage insurance providers

Overview of Major Providers and Their Offers

  • Major Providers: In the UK, several insurance companies specialize in self-storage insurance, each with its unique propositions. These range from household names in the insurance industry to niche firms focused solely on self-storage coverage.
  • Offers at a Glance: Most providers offer similar basic coverage options, including protection against theft, loss, and damage due to natural disasters or vandalism. However, the extent of coverage, premium costs, and specific terms and conditions can vary significantly.
  • Comparison Pointers:
  • Website Comparisons: Many websites offer comparison tools that allow you to see side-by-side offers from different providers.
  • Customer Reviews: Look for customer reviews to get an idea of the provider's service quality and claim handling efficiency.

Key Features to Consider

When comparing providers, consider these critical features to ensure you choose the best policy for your needs:

  • Coverage Needs: Assess the value of the items you're storing and ensure the policy covers their full value. Also, consider any special coverage for items like electronics or antiques.
  • Term Flexibility: Some providers offer more flexible terms than others, allowing you to adjust your coverage based on your changing needs.
  • Excess Fees: Pay attention to the excess fees—the amount you'll need to pay out of pocket when making a claim. A lower excess fee might mean a higher premium, but it could be beneficial depending on your situation.

Benefits of Choosing Specialized Providers Over Storage Facility Insurance

  • Tailored Coverage: Specialized insurance providers often offer more comprehensive and customizable coverage options than those provided by storage facilities, ensuring better protection for your valuables.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: While it might seem convenient to opt for the insurance offered by your storage facility, independent providers often offer more competitive rates and better value for your money.
  • Expertise and Support: Specialized providers have a deeper understanding of the intricacies of self-storage insurance and can offer expert advice and support, making the claims process smoother and more efficient.

Example Comparatives

When evaluating self-storage insurance options, it's insightful to consider specific examples.

  • Specialties: Offers a broad spectrum of insurance policies, including dedicated self-storage insurance.
  • Coverage Highlights: Protects against risks like fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters.
  • Why Choose Their platform allows for easy policy customization and instant quotes, making it straightforward for customers to tailor coverage to their precise needs.

  • Specialties: Features an accessible online platform offering competitive self-storage insurance policies for a variety of needs.
  • Coverage Highlights: Includes comprehensive coverage for risks such as fire, theft, and water damage, with flexible policy terms.
  • Why Choose Stands out for its affordability and flexibility, appealing to a broad customer base with transparent policy details.

By examining these aspects, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your self-storage insurance needs, ensuring your belongings are protected under the most suitable coverage.

Cost Considerations in Self-Storage Insurance

When securing self-storage insurance, understanding the associated costs is crucial for making an informed decision that aligns with your budget and coverage needs.

Understanding the Pricing Structure

Self-storage insurance pricing can vary widely based on several factors, including the level of coverage, the value of items being stored, and the specific risks covered by the policy. Here's what you need to know:

  • Premiums: The monthly or annual cost you'll pay for your insurance coverage. Premiums depend on the total value of the items insured and the extent of coverage (e.g., basic protection against theft and fire or comprehensive coverage including natural disasters and accidental damage).
  • Deductibles/Excess: The amount you're responsible for paying out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. A higher deductible can lower your premium but means more out-of-pocket costs when you make a claim.
  • Coverage Limits: Maximum amounts that the insurance policy will pay out in the event of a claim. Ensure the coverage limit is adequate to replace the stored items if necessary.

Comparative Costs Between Direct Providers and Storage Facility Offerings

When weighing the costs of self-storage insurance, the choice between direct insurance providers and storage facility-offered policies is key. Each has its pricing strategy, influencing the final cost to consumers.

Direct Insurance Providers:

  • Customizable Policies: Offer tailored coverage, ensuring you pay only for what you need. This can result in more competitive pricing.
  • Competitive Rates: Typically, direct providers have lower overheads, enabling them to offer more attractive premiums.
  • Discounts: Many offer discounts for upfront payments or multiple policies, further reducing costs.

Storage Facility Offerings:

  • Convenience: Policies from storage facilities might come with a higher price tag due to the ease of a bundled service.
  • Bundled Costs: The insurance cost might be included in the rental fee, which can obscure the insurance's actual price and limit comparison.
  • Less Flexibility: These policies often have fixed coverage options, which might not precisely match your needs, potentially leading to overpaying for unnecessary coverage.

Examples of Cost-Saving Benefits with Specialized Insurance Providers

Opting for a specialized self-storage insurance provider can offer several cost-saving benefits:

  • Customizable Coverage: Allows you to tailor the policy to your exact needs, avoiding over-insurance and unnecessary costs.
  • Bulk or Long-Term Discounts: Some providers offer discounts for paying your premium upfront for a longer period or insuring multiple units, leading to significant savings over time.
  • No Hidden Fees: Specialized providers often have transparent pricing structures without hidden fees, contrary to some storage facility policies that might include administrative fees or other charges.
  • Competitive Excess Fees: By shopping around, you can find policies with lower excess fees, reducing your out-of-pocket costs in the event of a claim.

Choosing the Right Self-Storage Insurance Policy

Selecting the ideal self-storage insurance policy requires careful consideration of your specific needs, the details of potential policies, and the reputation and reliability of insurance providers. 

Assessing Specific Insurance Needs Based on Stored Goods

Before choosing insurance, assess what you're storing to ensure you're neither over-insured nor under-insured. Here's how to approach this:

  • Inventory Your Items: Start by making a detailed list of everything you plan to store.
  • Evaluate Item Value: Assign a current market value to each item. For items with sentimental value, consider how much it would cost to replace them, even though some things might be irreplaceable.
  • Consider Special Categories: Certain goods, such as electronics, artworks, or antiques, may require specialized insurance coverage due to their high value or fragility.
  • Identify Risks: Think about the potential risks your items might face while in storage. Are they sensitive to temperature changes? Could they be damaged by moisture? This step will help you decide what kind of coverage you need to protect against these risks.

Understanding the specifics of what you're storing will guide you in choosing a policy that covers the right amount and type of risks, ensuring your peace of mind.

Evaluating Provider Policies

After you've identified your storage insurance needs, the next step is to scrutinize potential insurance policies. Pay special attention to these aspects:

  • Coverage Limits: The policy's coverage limit must be sufficient to cover the total value of your stored items.
  • Policy Exclusions: Every insurance policy has exclusions, which are scenarios or items that the policy does not cover. 
  • Claims Process: A good policy should have a straightforward and transparent claims process. This includes knowing what documentation you'll need and the expected timeline for claim resolution.

Taking the time to carefully evaluate these policy features will help you choose an insurance option that offers comprehensive protection for your stored goods.

Tips for Selecting the Best Policy and Provider

Selecting the right insurance policy for your self-storage needs doesn't have to be daunting. Here are some tips to streamline the process:

  • Get Multiple Quotes: Don't settle on the first quote you receive. Instead, gather several quotes to compare coverage details and pricing. This will give you a broader view of what's available and help you find the best deal.

  • Research Providers: Look into the insurance providers you're considering. Read customer reviews and check their ratings on independent review sites. This research can reveal a lot about a provider's reliability and the quality of their customer service.

  • Read the Fine Print: Make sure you understand all the terms and conditions of your policy. Pay close attention to deductibles, coverage limits, and any exclusions. It's crucial to know exactly what your policy covers and what it doesn't.

  • Consult an Expert: If you find yourself overwhelmed by the options or unsure about the best policy for your needs, don't hesitate to seek advice from an insurance professional. They can offer valuable insights and help you navigate the complexities of insurance policies.

By following these guidelines and taking a detailed, methodical approach to assessing your needs and evaluating your options, you can confidently choose a self-storage insurance policy that offers the best protection for your valuable items.

Also Read: Are self storage profitable?

Alternatives and Exclusions in Storage Insurance

Understanding the intricacies of storage insurance, including what's not covered and how to navigate these gaps, is crucial for ensuring comprehensive protection of your stored items.

Specific Scenarios and Goods That May Not Be Covered

Storage insurance policies, while comprehensive, often have exclusions that can affect your coverage. Common exclusions may include:

  • Climate-Related Damage: Not all policies cover damage from humidity or temperature fluctuations, which can affect sensitive items like electronics or antiques.
  • Certain Valuables: High-value items such as jewelry, art, and collectibles might require additional riders or policies due to their worth.
  • Natural Disasters: Depending on the location, some policies may exclude coverage for natural disasters like floods or earthquakes, requiring separate policies for these risks.

How to Deal with Exclusions and Limitations?

Navigating the exclusions and limitations of your policy ensures you're not caught off guard. Here’s how you can manage these gaps:

  • Additional Coverage: For items not covered under a standard policy, consider purchasing additional riders or a separate policy that specifically covers these valuables.
  • Climate-Controlled Units: If your items are sensitive to temperature or humidity, renting a climate-controlled unit can mitigate risks that your insurance may not cover.
  • Disaster-Specific Policies: In areas prone to certain natural disasters, look into specialized policies that provide coverage where your primary policy may not.

Importance of Reading the Fine Print

The most effective way to understand the scope of your coverage, including any exclusions or limitations, is by thoroughly reading your policy documents. Key points to note include:

  • Detailed Coverage Limits: Know the limits of what your policy will pay out for individual items and total losses.
  • Named Perils vs. All-Risk Policies: Understand whether your policy covers only named perils (specific risks listed in your policy) or offers all-risk coverage (all perils except those explicitly excluded).
  • Claim Process and Deadlines: Familiarize yourself with the claims process, including any required documentation and deadlines for reporting incidents.


Clarifying Myths Surrounding Storage Insurance

Myth 1: Self-Storage Facilities Provide Full Insurance Coverage

  • In reality, while some facilities offer basic coverage, they often have strict limits and numerous exclusions. It's typically advisable to obtain a separate insurance policy that adequately covers your stored items.

Myth 2: Homeowners or Renters Insurance Always Covers Stored Items

  • These policies may offer some level of protection, but it's usually limited and may not cover all risks associated with self-storage, such as specific natural disasters or theft.

Myth 3: All Risks Are Covered by Storage Insurance

  • Most policies have exclusions, such as damage from floods or earthquakes, and may not cover high-value items without additional riders.

What Does Storage Insurance Typically Cover?

Storage insurance generally covers damage or loss due to fire, theft, vandalism, and sometimes specific natural disasters. Coverage details can vary significantly between policies, so it's crucial to review your policy's specifics.

How Much Does Storage Insurance Cost?

The cost of storage insurance depends on the total value of the items you're insuring and the level of coverage you choose. Policies can start as low as a few pounds a month for minimal coverage and increase based on the value of your stored goods and the inclusion of any additional protection options.

Can I Modify My Storage Insurance Policy?

Yes, most insurance providers allow you to modify your policy if your storage needs change. This could mean increasing your coverage limit, adding new items to your policy, or updating coverage options. It's essential to contact your insurance provider to discuss any needed adjustments.

Is It Worth Getting Storage Insurance?

Considering the potential risks involved in storing valuable items outside your home, obtaining storage insurance is a prudent decision for many. It provides peace of mind knowing that your belongings are protected against unforeseen events.

As you navigate through your options for the best self-storage insurance, complement your choice with a storage solution that stands out for its commitment to security and customer service. Wigwam Storage offers not just storage space but a promise of quality, ease, and security, ensuring a seamless experience from booking to accessing your valuable items


In choosing the right self-storage insurance, the key is to select a policy that meets your specific needs with precision. Specialized insurers like Store Insure and Surewise stand out for their tailored coverage, highlighting the importance of comparing options carefully. Ultimately, securing the right insurance ensures peace of mind, knowing your possessions are protected against unforeseen risks. Make a well-informed decision to safeguard your valuables effectively.

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