Starting Your Own Self-Storage Business in Simple Steps

April 16, 2024

Did you have an overflowing closet filled with old textbooks, holiday decorations, and unused clothes you couldn’t get rid of? Self-storage facilities are the grown-up solution to that age-old problem of "where do I put all this stuff?" They offer a space for our extra belongings, but beyond that, they've become a bright business opportunity.

How do you open a self-storage business? Whether you are new to this industry or wish to expand your storage units, this guide will cover the basics of starting your own self-storage business. 

Introduction to Starting a Self-Storage Business

Imagine a building full of individual empty units/rooms. That's self-storage in a nutshell. College students use it to store their stuff over the summer. Families use it during home renovations. Businesses use it for everything from seasonal inventory to overflow stock. The key is that it provides a secure and accessible space for people who need it – a basic need that's always in demand.`

So, what makes self-storage such a great business idea? Here are two big reasons:

  • Low Maintenance: Compared to other businesses that require constant work, self-storage is hands-off. There's some initial investment and ongoing costs for security and upkeep, but it's a more passive way to generate income.
  • Recession-Proof: People will always need a place to store their stuff, no matter the economy. In fact, during economic downturns, demand can go up as people downsize or businesses consolidate.

The self-storage industry isn't just stable; it's growing steadily. Online shopping means businesses need more storage space. Smaller living spaces in cities mean people need somewhere to keep their extra things. This ever-increasing demand makes self-storage an attractive market for entrepreneurs.

Economic downturns can be scary for businesses, but self-storage is one of the few that can benefit. When times are tough, people often downsize their homes or businesses, leading to a need for more storage space. This stability encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to open a self-storage business. A recent study by the Multi-Housing News post suggests that opportunities will emerge in the self-storage business by 2024, indicating its rising popularity.

With this promising outlook, we will closely examine how to open your self-storage business. We'll cover market research, finding funds, and all the legal stuff. By the end, you'll have the knowledge and resources to unlock the potential of your self-storage facility.

Unlock Your Property Potential with Self-Storage Solutions!

Planning and Research

Before you dive headfirst into building a self-storage empire, it's like planning a road trip – gotta map out your route first! This is where the planning and research phase comes in. Think of it as gathering all the intel you need to make before planning your self-storage business. Here are a few points to consider:

1. Digging Deep: Market Analysis

Just like you wouldn't open a taco stand in a town full of vegetarians, you need to understand the self-storage landscape in your area. This means conducting a market analysis. Don't worry; it's not rocket science. Lay the groundwork by asking your neighbours if they ever struggle with overflowing garages or know of any local businesses needing extra space. Talk to real estate agents, movers, and anyone with insights into your community's storage needs.

2. Knowing Your Neighbours: Understanding Local Competition

No business operates in a vacuum, and self-storage is no exception. Research your local competitors. How many facilities are there? What sizes and types of units do they offer? What are their pricing structures? Think of it like scouting the competition on game day. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses can position your facility to stand out.

3. Who Needs Storage and For How Long? Understanding Customer Demographics and Rent Duration

Not all storage needs are created equal. College students need a small unit for a few months over the summer, while a local furniture store requires a larger space for long-term inventory storage. Researching your target demographics will help you determine the mix of unit sizes and rental durations you'll need to offer.

4. Choosing a Suitable Location

Finding the right location is crucial for the success of your self-storage facility. Ideally, you want a spot that's easily accessible, preferably near major roads or highways.  Visibility is vital, too – think about signage and traffic flow. Think like a customer – do you feel comfortable and secure accessing your belongings at this location?

5. Charting Your Course: Developing a Business Plan

Your business plan is your roadmap to success. It should outline your overall strategy, including your target market, marketing plan, financial projections, and how you'll manage day-to-day operations. Think of it as a detailed pitch to potential investors or lenders and a valuable tool for keeping yourself on track. Plenty of online resources and templates help you get started, but feel free to get creative and personalise it to your specific vision.

For those new to the self-storage business, resources from experienced providers like Wigwam Storage can offer valuable insights and templates to get your business plan started on the right foot.

6. Variety is the Spice of Life: Determining the Types of Self-Storage You'll Offer

Not all storage needs are the same. Beyond the standard storage unit, consider offering climate-controlled options for valuables or temperature-sensitive items. Vehicle storage is another popular option for motorcycles, boats, or RVs. Consider your target market's specific needs and tailor your unit offerings accordingly.

The planning and research phase may seem like a lot of work upfront, but trust us; it's an investment that will pay off in the long run. You can easily open a self-storage business by gathering the right information and developing a solid plan. After all, a little planning goes a long way, and in this case, it can mean the difference between a booming business and a storage unit filled with nothing but regrets.

As our blueprint is ready, let's navigate the legal and financial waters to solidify our foundation.

Legal and Financial Considerations

Every great adventure has challenges, and starting your own self-storage business is no exception. But fear not, intrepid entrepreneur! This section will guide you through some of the legal and financial considerations you must address before officially opening your doors.

1. Permits and Licences: Unlocking the Gates

Just like you need a driver's licence to hit the road, you'll need specific permits and licences to operate your self-storage facility. The specifics will vary depending on your location, so checking with your local zoning department and business office is essential. Think of it as gathering your travel documents for your entrepreneurial journey.

2. Financing Your Dream: Securing the Funds

Building a self-storage facility requires a significant investment. The good news is there are several financing options available. Banks, SBA loans, and even crowdfunding platforms are potential sources of capital. Be prepared to present a well-crafted business plan (remember the roadmap we discussed earlier?) to convince lenders you have a winning formula.

3.  Staffed, Semi-Staffed, or Solo? Choosing an Operational Model

Will your facility bustle with customer service representatives or operate with a more hands-off approach? There's no one-size-fits-all answer here. Consider your budget, security needs, and desired level of customer interaction. You could start with a semi-staffed model, offering kiosk access and limited on-site personnel, and then transition to fully staffed as your business grows.

4. Navigating the Maze: Local Laws and Regulations

Every town has its own rules, and self-storage facilities are no exception. Familiarise yourself with local zoning ordinances, building codes, and safety regulations. There might be specific requirements for fire safety, security systems, and signage. Think of it as learning the local customs before starting your entrepreneurial adventure.

5. Shielding Your Business: Selecting and Purchasing Insurance Coverages

Accidents happen, and a proper insurance policy can be your knight in shining armour.  Look into coverage for property damage, liability claims, and even business interruption in case of unforeseen circumstances. Consider talking to an insurance broker who specialises in self-storage facilities to get the right coverage at the right price.

Remember, tackling these legal and financial considerations may seem daunting at first, but with some research, planning, and the help of qualified professionals, you can confidently overcome these hurdles.  By taking these steps, you'll be laying a solid foundation for the future success of your self-storage business. After all, a little preparation can go a long way in ensuring your entrepreneurial journey is smooth sailing!

With our legal ducks in a row and the financial plan locked in, it’s time for the fun part - bringing our self-storage vision to life!

Setting Up Your Self-Storage Facility

how to open a self storage business
Setting Up Your Self-Storage Facility

Now that you've planned your route and gathered your supplies, it's time for the exciting part – building your self-storage empire! Here's a breakdown of the critical things to consider as you transform your vision into reality:

  • Unit Variety: Your self-storage facility is a giant container of possibilities! You'll want to offer a range of unit sizes to cater to different needs, from small lockers for student textbooks to expansive units that can hold the furniture from a whole house. Consider climate-controlled options for delicate belongings or vehicle storage for those who need a safe place for their prized motorcycle.
  • Investing in Infrastructure and Security: Security is paramount in the self-storage business. Picture your facility as a high-tech castle protecting your customers' valuables. Invest in sturdy fencing, security gates, and even 24/7 surveillance cameras. Proper lighting throughout the facility is also crucial for security and driving away customers’ anxieties.
  • Designing an Efficient Layout: A well-designed facility layout keeps things running smoothly, just like a well-organised closet makes life easier. Wide aisles and clear signage will help customers navigate the maze of units. Consider offering drive-up access for some units, while smaller units benefit from interior access with rolling carts for easy transport.
  • Considering Container Self-Storage: Here's a trendy option gaining popularity—container self-storage! Imagine recycled shipping containers transformed into secure, weather-resistant storage units. Container self-storage is a cost-effective option that can be easily added or removed as your business grows. Plus, it offers a unique, modern aesthetic that might appeal to your target market.

Remember, building your self-storage facility is like building your entrepreneurial dream.  By carefully considering these factors, you can create a secure, efficient, and customer-friendly space that will be the envy of the storage bin kingdom! 

As our facility’s up and looking sharp, let’s talk strategies to fill those units with happy customers. The following section will explore the exciting world of marketing and attracting customers to your brand-new self-storage facility.

Operational Strategies

Congratulations! You've navigated the planning, secured the funding, and built your self-storage facility. Now, it's time to shift gears and focus on attracting and keeping customers happy. Here are some critical operational strategies to turn your self-storage venture into a thriving business:

1. Building a Brand You Can Trust: The Power of Identity

Think of self-storage facilities like hotels. Sure, they offer a place to store your stuff, but the experience can be vastly different. Just like the Ritz-Carlton wouldn't use a neon sign and flashing lights, your self-storage facility needs a brand identity that reflects its values. What message do you want to convey? Is it security, convenience, affordability, or perhaps a touch of modern flair?

Suppose you cater to a clientele of busy professionals who value their time and belongings. Your brand identity might revolve around sleek design, user-friendly online booking, and exceptional customer service. This message, woven throughout your website, marketing materials, and even the design of your facility, will resonate with your target audience and differentiate you from the competition.

Drawing inspiration from brands like Wigwam Storage, known for their seamless customer journey and high-security standards, can help you form a trustworthy and customer-centric brand identity.

2. Cultivating a Strong Online Presence

In today's digital age, a strong online presence is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity.  Think of your website as your virtual storefront window. People will research storage facilities online before ever setting foot through your door. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and showcases your different unit sizes and amenities. High-quality photos and virtual tours can be a game-changer, allowing potential customers to visualise themselves using your space.

How will your self-storage solution simplify their lives? Highlight features like 24/7 access, climate control, and online bill pay.

3. Spreading the Word: Effective Marketing Strategies

There's no magic bullet in marketing, but a multipurpose approach is key. Consider partnering with local movers or real estate agents who might need storage solutions for their clients. Social media is a powerful tool for targeted advertising and community engagement. Think about the kind of content that would resonate with your target audience. Offer packing tips and storage hacks, or even host online contests to generate excitement.

Don't just sell storage units; sell the peace of mind and convenience of using your facility.

4. Utilising Technology for Management and Security

Technology can be your best friend in the self-storage business. Invest in user-friendly software that streamlines the rental process, manages billing, and even allows online payments. Security cameras with remote access can offer you and your customers peace of mind. Consider keyless entry systems for added convenience and control.

5. Service with a Smile: Ensuring a Positive User Experience

Exceptional customer service is the cornerstone of any successful business. Train your staff to be friendly, knowledgeable, and efficient. Respond promptly to inquiries and address any customer concerns quickly and professionally. A positive user experience will keep your customers coming back and singing your praises to their friends and family.

Implementing these operational strategies will put you well on your way to running a successful self-storage business. Remember, it's more than just renting out space; it's about providing a valuable service that makes your customers' lives easier. So, put on your entrepreneurial hat, embrace these strategies, and get ready to watch your self-storage empire flourish!

Are you feeling good about our operational groove? Great! Now, let’s think bigger—it’s time to grow and expand.

Growth and Expansion

how to open a self storage business
Growth and Expansion

Remember that little bean you planted in a pot as a kid, watching it sprout leaves and reach for the sunlight? A similar sense of satisfaction exists in nurturing and seeing a business flourish. Your self-storage facility is no longer a seedling; it's established and growing. But every entrepreneur knows there's always room for further expansion. So, how do you transform your thriving self-storage business into a towering redwood, a leader in the industry? Let's explore some strategies for expansion and growth:

1. Analysing Profitability and Revenue Generation

Just like a pilot monitors their instruments, you need to keep a watchful eye on your business's financial health. Regularly analyse your profitability metrics – occupancy rates, rental income, and operating costs. Understanding your revenue streams will help you identify areas for optimisation. Are there specific unit sizes in high demand? Could you adjust pricing structures to maximise profits during peak seasons?

When there’s a surge in demand for vehicle storage during the summer, you could offer a special promotion for motorcycle storage, attracting a new customer segment and generating additional revenue.

2. Exploring Additional Revenue Streams

Self-storage facilities aren't just about renting space; they can be hubs of convenience.  Consider offering value-added services to enhance your bottom line—partner with a packing supplies company to offer on-site box sales. Provide moving truck rentals for added customer convenience. A simple vending machine dispensing moving supplies or refreshments can also generate additional income.

Could you offer secure document shredding services for businesses in your area? You could also partner with a local moving company to provide bundled storage and relocation packages.

3. Building Your Empire: Expanding Your Business

As your business flourishes, consider expansion. You can take two main paths: buying existing facilities or building new ones. Acquiring an existing facility can be quicker to increase your footprint, especially if it already has a well-established customer base. However, thoroughly evaluate the condition of the facility and potential renovation needs before taking the plunge.

Building a new facility offers the benefit of complete customisation. You can design it from the ground up to incorporate the latest security features and cater to specific market demands. However, this route typically requires an enormous initial investment and a longer lead time.

Consider your resources, market research, and long-term goals for the best expansion strategy.

4. Keeping Up with Industry Trends and Customer Needs

The self-storage industry is constantly evolving. Stay ahead of the curve by attending industry conferences and networking with other self-storage owners. Embrace innovative technologies like automated access control systems or online reservation platforms to streamline operations and enhance customer experience.

Customer needs are paramount. Pay attention to emerging trends, such as the growing demand for climate-controlled units or the increasing popularity of self-service storage lockers for smaller items. Adapting your offerings to meet these evolving needs will ensure your self-storage business remains relevant.

Remember, success in the self-storage business is about more than just bricks and mortar. It's about providing a valuable service, building strong customer relationships, and constantly seeking growth opportunities. By following these strategies, you'll be well on scaling the ladder and turning your self-storage venture into a thriving empire.


Building a self-storage business is an exciting journey filled with challenges and triumphs. Opening a self-storage business is about the satisfaction of building something from the ground up. Embrace the management process, the problem-solving, and the thrill of seeing your business grow.

Learning from the Best: The self-storage industry has many inspiring success stories.  Seek out resources, attend industry events, and connect with other entrepreneurs.  Learn from their experiences and adapt their best practices to your business model.

Adaptability is Key: The self-storage landscape is constantly evolving. Stay curious, keep an eye on emerging trends, and be prepared to adapt your offerings to meet your customers' ever-changing needs.

You Don't Have to Go It Alone: Starting a new business can be daunting, but you don't have to go it alone. There is a wealth of resources available to help you navigate the process. Industry associations, online forums, and mentorship programs can be invaluable sources of support and guidance.

Ready to Unlock Your Potential?

At Wigwam Storage, we understand the needs and aspirations of self-storage entrepreneurs. We offer a comprehensive suite of resources, from feasibility analysis tools to marketing templates, to help you navigate every step of your self-storage journey. Are you ready to transform your vision into a reality and unlock the full potential of your self-storage business? Contact Wigwam Storage today, and let's chat about how we can help you start your very own self-storage empire!

Unlock Your Property Potential with Self-Storage Solutions!

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