Essential Tips and Tricks for Packing Your Self-Storage Unit

June 13, 2024

Avoid turning your storage unit into a life-size game of Jenga—read on for tips on stacking, packing, and attacking the clutter!

Do you remember the story of a glass jar filled with rocks, pebbles, and sand? What happened when you initially filled the jar with sand? Could you add rocks and pebbles further? No, because the sand took up all the space inside the jar, right? Now, let’s try adding the rocks first. The pebbles quickly filled the spaces between the rocks, and there was also enough space left for the sand to settle in. 

Did you see how everything fit nicely inside the jar? We can apply this simple analogy to packing your self-storage unit as well. Here are a few self-storage tips and tricks to pack your items neatly and orderly. Every item you pack has extreme value. So, get ready to map out your self-storage unit and keep your belongings safe and handy. 


How would you pack fragile items when moving to a new house? Wouldn’t you take extra care and use bubble wrap to prevent them from breaking? Now, imagine you’ve rented out a storage unit for a short period. You decide to stack your raincoats until the next rainy season. But when you come to get them back, do you notice moulds or detect a foul smell? You will see such things if you haven’t dried and covered the coats properly. Hence, you must read about practical tips for self-storage to organise your belongings and minimise the chances of damage.

While you may realise the importance of a self-storage unit in storing your essentials and freeing up space, many of you are not aware of how to orderly pack them. It isn’t just about throwing a few cardboard boxes into the storage unit. Think of fumbling through the pile of boxes to figure out where you kept your precious sweater from your granny!

How do you keep your home organised? Follow the same principle while packing and managing your self-storage unit. Make an abstract note of things you want to pack and visualise stacking them in your unit. Choose the right boxes and purchase quality packing supplies for extended durability. Label the boxes appropriately to avoid confusion in the future. With Wigwam Storage, rest assured that your valued items are kept in the best condition thanks to our high-quality packing supplies and expert advice.

Are you curious to learn more about self-storage packing tips? This guide will help you understand the best tips and tricks for filling your self-storage unit. 

Planning Your Packing Strategy

tips for self-storage

Suppose you took out a storage unit for a year. Initially, you only had a few essentials, such as baby toys, sports equipment, or musical instruments. As time passes, unused clothes, furniture, and Christmas decorations slowly invade your storage space. Do you need help keeping track of things and accommodating them in your storage unit? You can easily overcome this issue if you have a plan and pack accordingly. Let’s see how creating a plan is one of the most useful self-storage tips.

  • Create a List of Items: Once you rent a self-storage unit, make a rough list of items that you want to put in it. Picturise the unit or make a sample sketch to allocate certain areas for storing specific items.
  • Choose the Right Box and Packing Essentials: After deciding on the items, choose the right box size and packing materials. Depending on the number of items, a large or two medium-sized boxes will be enough if you temporarily store your decor. If the items are fragile, you can wrap them in bubble wrap or cover them with towels or newspapers. 
  • Label the Boxes: Once you have packed the items in boxes, you must label them correctly. Consider adding ‘fragile’ for breakable items or naming the box ‘books,’ ‘Christmas decorations,’ etc., as appropriate. Doing so lets you quickly identify things later when you search for them. 

Still, trying to figure out where to start? Wigwam Storage offers a variety of unit sizes and packing materials to help you begin your storage journey seamlessly. Now that we've got a plan in motion, let's dive deeper into the nitty-gritty of packing those boxes with finesse.

Effective Packing Techniques

Simply packing the items in boxes and tossing them into storage units will not help you in the long run. You might think you remember what you put in each box. Fast-forward a few weeks, and you are at the unit to get your books back. Seeing many boxes confuses you, and you have no idea which box has your books. There starts a mad hunt for the correct box. To avoid such situations, follow these effective self-storage packing tips and techniques.

  1. Use bubble wrap and dust clothes for fragile items. 

Do you hold your chinaware so precious? Do you wish to pass it on to your sons and daughters? What if it breaks while being moved to the storage unit? Even the thought breaks you, right? As these items are so delicate, you must wrap them with bubble wrap or pad them with old clothes, towels, or packing papers. Doing so will keep the items in place and prevent damage while moving.

  1. Utilise vertical space through stacking and shelving.

The storage unit you rent varies in size and shape. How can you maximise the use of space even though the unit is small? One crucial self-storage tip is to organise the space vertically. Instead of laying out all the boxes on the floor, you can take advantage of the storage unit’s height. Stack the boxes one above the other, clearing the room for more items. Additionally, you can use a shelving unit if you’re worried about putting too much pressure on the boxes.

Maximise every inch of your storage unit with Wigwam Storage’s flexible unit sizes—perfect for accommodating everything from bulky furniture to seasonal decorations.

  1. Protect furniture and electronics with suitable covering.

What if you notice scratches and marks on the furniture or electronics when you retrieve them? Furniture and electronics can be damaged if not properly cared for. A simple scratch can ruin the beauty of that classic chair or prevent your blender from functioning. Therefore, it is wise to cover them in blankets or protective sheets to keep them scratch—and dust-free. 

  1. Ensure proper ventilation and moisture control in the unit.

Remember that damp feeling after being caught in the rain? You don't want your belongings to experience that in storage! Imagine entering your self-storage unit to see mould forming on your mattress or rugs! Quite disgusting, right? If you do not want such surprises, properly cleaning and vacuuming them is one of the essential self-storage tips. 

Leaving a little space between the walls and your boxes allows for air circulation and helps prevent moisture build-up. Ensure your clothes and coats are dry before putting them in the unit. While baking soda or silica gel desiccants can help absorb moisture in small, sealed containers or boxes, ensure your storage unit has adequate ventilation, and consider using a dehumidifier or moisture absorbers designed for larger spaces if you live in a humid climate. Besides, keeping your appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, and refrigerators slightly ajar can also prevent dampness.

Alright, you've got the basics down; let's level up with some organisational tips to make your storage experience smoother.

Organisational Tips for Easy Access and Safety

Suppose you have followed these self-storage packing tips, labelled the boxes accurately, and covered the items properly. Now, it’s time to take them to your storage unit. While stacking the boxes, you kept the lighter ones at the bottom and moved up with the heavier ones. Wasn’t lifting the heavy box up and down a bit tedious? Didn’t you lose balance while reaching for the heavy box at the top? This section of self-storage packing tips will show how to organise your boxes for easy access and safety.

  • Keep heavy boxes at the bottom: You must keep your foundation steady to stack your boxes up. Keeping the lightweight boxes at the bottom will not hold the weight of the heavier ones on the top, leading to a collapse. Imagine falling a box on your head while getting your essentials from the storage unit! Hence, always place heavy objects or boxes at the bottom to prevent accidents and access your items easily.
  • Keep frequently used items near the entrance: Do you want to retrieve the winter jacket you packed months ago from the storage unit? Or do you need to access your business documents for an urgent meeting? What if you had kept them in a not-so-easily accessible area? Do you want to waste time searching for them? If not, place these frequently used items near the unit’s entrance for quick access. 
  • Create clear pathways for easy mobility: Imagine entering a storage unit and finding different boxes from the front to the back with no space to keep your foot! What is the use of a storage unit if you cannot access what you want when needed? Creating a pathway in the middle of the unit and stacking the boxes and objects toward each side will help you get what you need without any difficulty. 
  • Utilise drawer space and disassemble furniture for added storage: Self-storage units can take up a lot of space. Would there be space for other items if you put your dining table or cupboard in the unit? Not a chance! Disassembling the furniture parts, putting the boxes inside the cabinets, or filling the drawers with small items can save you space. 

Are you feeling more organised already? Hold tight because we're about to kick things into high gear with advanced packing strategies.

Advanced Storage Strategies

tips for self-storage

Have you ever tried fitting all your groceries into overflowing bags? You cram everything in, only to have bags rip and vegetables go tumbling. Not efficient, right? The same goes for self-storage units. While we've covered the essential packing techniques, there's always room to play the game even better. Here are some advanced self-storage tips to organise your space and keep your belongings accessible.

Space-Saving Superstars: Vacuum Bags and Specialty Containers

Soft items like comforters and pillows can be real space hogs. Enter the magic of vacuum bags! These flat bags suck out the air, shrinking bulky items down to a fraction of their size. Imagine all the extra space you'll create! For delicate items or precious keepsakes, consider investing in specialty containers. These provide an additional layer of protection for your most treasured possessions.

Creating an "Aisle of Access"

No one wants to feel like Indiana Jones navigating a booby-trapped temple to reach their stuff! Here's the key: dedicate some space for an aisle. Even a tiny walkway allows you to access items in the back of your unit quickly. Here's a clever trick: fill the space along the walls with boxes first, then create your central aisle. This way, everything stays organised and accessible.

Packing Like a Pro: Walls First!

Like building a house, starting from the foundation is smart. When packing your unit, strategically place items you'll seldom need at the back and along the walls, and keep those you'll need access to more frequently towards the front or in an easily reachable place. Planning your layout this way will maximise space and ensure everything stays secure.

Following these advanced strategies, you'll transform your self-storage unit into a space-saving haven for your belongings. So conquer that storage unit and become a self-storage packing champion with these tips!

With your unit looking sharper by the minute, let's not forget about keeping it safe and sound. Here's how.

Security and Maintenance of your Storage Unit

tips for self-storage

Do you think packing your stuff neatly and orderly is the only concern you must take care of? Even though the given self-storage packing tips help keep your belongings safe and handy, there are additional things you must handle. Now, let’s talk about how to keep your storage unit secure while managing your belongings.

  • Choose a secure storage facility with adequate surveillance.

Wouldn’t you buy the best locks and padlocks for your houses? So, what security measures would you consider while choosing the storage facility? Remember, you might keep all your valuables in this facility for the rest of your life! Whether it’s a matter of a few days or many years, picking the right facility can bring all the difference to your storage needs. 

Look for a storage facility with well-lit grounds, perimeter fencing, and 24/7 surveillance cameras. You trust the facility with your precious belongings, so you must look for features like motion detectors and alarm systems for added security. 

  • Invest in a robust lock for added protection.

You hold the key to unlocking your storage unit, so get a sturdy lock that is not easy to tamper with. Even with advanced security options, preventing unwanted visitors from entering the facility is sometimes hard. Investing in a high-quality padlock or choosing a facility that offers electronic lock options will be beneficial in such cases. Consider it an additional layer of defence against potential intruders. 

  • Add insurance coverage to your stored items.

Unexpected things are bound to happen from time to time. What if a fire ruined all your items in the storage unit? Though losing our most valuable things to natural calamities is heartbreaking, you can reduce its impact by insuring them. Check if your existing insurance policy covers personal belongings in storage. If not, you can add or purchase a separate storage insurance plan from your insurance company or storage facility. Think of it as a safety net, protecting your belongings from unforeseen events like fire, theft, or water damage.

  • Conduct regular check-ins at your storage unit.

So, you are done with packing and moving your valuables to the storage unit. Even though these items are safe and secure, is leaving them unattended for an extended period advisable? No, it isn’t! What if you check on your items one year after dumping them and see a slight water leak spoiling your furniture? Instead of crying and creating a stir at the last minute, you could have conducted regular check-ins to ensure everything was in order. Look for signs of moisture, leaks, or potential pest problems. Remember, early detection is key to preventing any major issues!

Choosing Wigwam Storage means opting for peace of mind with our around-the-clock surveillance and advanced lock systems, promising top-notch security for all your belongings. Now, before you run off to pack, let's clarify what a storage no-go is. Trust me, you'll want to know this.

Prohibited Items and Special Considerations

tips for self-storage

This guide on the essential tips for packing your self-storage unit is incomplete without discussing the list of prohibited items. Imagine you are at the airport undergoing security checks. While you think nothing harmful is in your hand luggage, the sound beeps, and the security takes you aside for a thorough check. For example, you cannot carry certain items on the aeroplane, and there are some things you can't store in your storage unit. Here's a breakdown of what to avoid and some special considerations to keep your belongings (and the facility) safe.

List of Prohibited Items in a Storage Unit

  • Perishable Food: Fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats have a mind of their own – they spoil! Storing these items can attract pests and create unpleasant odours in your unit.
  • Hazardous Materials: Think of flammable liquids (gasoline, paint thinners), explosives, or anything else that could pose a safety risk. The storage facilities strictly prohibit these items due to the potential for fire or accidents.
  • Chemicals and Corrosives: Bleach, ammonia, and other harsh chemicals can leak or damage other stored items. It's best to leave these at home.
  • Living Things (Plants and Animals): Sorry, but your pet goldfish or prize-winning roses won't be happy in a storage unit. Living things need air, water, and sunlight, which self-storage units simply can't provide.

Special Considerations: Think Before You Store

  • Climate-Controlled Units for Sensitive Items: If you're storing valuable artwork, electronics, or antique furniture, consider a climate-controlled unit. These units maintain consistent temperature and humidity levels, protecting your belongings from extreme heat, cold, or moisture damage.
  • Appliance Storage? Drain the Fluids: If you are planning to store a washing machine or lawnmower, make sure to drain any fuel, oil, or coolant first. Leaving liquids in these appliances can cause leaks and damage other items in the storage unit.
  • Flammable Liquids and Propane Tanks—Check with your storage facility first: Due to their high risk, storage units generally prohibit flammable liquids and propane tanks. Always confirm with your storage facility to understand their specific policies.

By understanding these restrictions and considerations, you can ensure your self-storage unit remains a safe and secure space for your belongings. Remember, when in doubt, always ask the facility manager! They're there to help you make the most of your storage experience. Follow these simple tips for self-storage packing and keep your valuables in the best condition.

Are you feeling like a storage pro yet? Let's wrap this up and turn you into the storage hero we know you can be.


Are you feeling overwhelmed by clutter? Does the thought of packing up your belongings make your head spin? Self-storage units can be a lifesaver, but using them effectively can be a mystery. Fear not, fellow partner! With a bit of planning, organisation, and handy self-storage tips in this guide, you can transform your storage unit into a space-saving haven for your belongings.

Imagine a storage unit that's not a chaotic jumble but a well-organised space where you can easily find what you need. By following these simple steps, you can avoid the frustration of lost items, wasted space, and potential damage. For more self-storage tips, check out our blog on 5 Self-storage Mistakes to Avoid

So, grab your boxes, channel your inner Tetris master, and get ready to conquer that storage unit! Wigwam Storage is here to support you every step of the way, offering a variety of unit sizes and security features to fit your needs. Visit your local Wigwam facility today and experience the freedom of self-storage done right!

Unlock Your Property Potential with Self-Storage Solutions!

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