Complete 2024 Guide on How to sell property in London

August 12, 2024

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Selling property in London requires a keen understanding of the current market conditions. The real estate market in London is always evolving, and 2024 is no exception. 

With fluctuating property values and changing buyer preferences, staying informed about market trends is crucial. 

Whether you’re a property owner looking to make a profit or an investor seeking new opportunities, having up-to-date knowledge about the market dynamics will help you make informed decisions and set realistic expectations.

For more detailed insights and guidance on selling your property, visit our website Wigwam Storage Management.

Let's dive into the step-by-step process of preparing, marketing, and successfully selling your property in London.

Step 1: Preparing Your Property for Sale

Selling property in London is a competitive endeavor, and first impressions matter immensely. 

The Significance of First Impressions: Enhancing Curb Appeal

Curb appeal refers to the attractiveness of a property as viewed from the street. Enhancing curb appeal is crucial because it forms the first impression potential buyers will have of your home.

  • Tidy Up: Ensure the front garden is well-maintained, with trimmed hedges, mowed lawns, and cleared pathways.
  • Paint and Clean: Freshen up the exterior with a new coat of paint, clean windows, and power-wash driveways and walkways.
  • Add Greenery: Plant flowers or shrubs to add color and life to the property’s exterior.
  • Fix Any Issues: Repair broken fences, gutters, and other visible issues that might detract from the property’s appearance.

Decluttering, Depersonalizing, and Considering Property Staging

A clean, clutter-free, and neutral interior allows potential buyers to envision themselves living in your home. Decluttering and depersonalizing your space are essential steps in this process.


  • Organize: Remove unnecessary items and organize spaces to make rooms appear larger and more functional.
  • Storage Solutions: Use storage solutions to keep personal items out of sight. Consider temporary self-storage if needed.
  • Minimalism: Adopt a minimalist approach to furniture and decor, emphasizing space and light.


  • Neutral Decor: Replace bold colors and personalized decor with neutral tones and simple designs.
  • Remove Personal Items: Take down family photos, personal collections, and any items that reflect personal taste.

Property Staging:

  • Professional Staging: Consider hiring a professional staging company to showcase your property in the best possible light. Staging can highlight the home’s strengths and create an inviting atmosphere.
  • DIY Staging: If hiring professionals isn’t an option, use online resources and guides to stage your property yourself effectively.

Essential Repairs and Renovations to Increase Property Appeal

Investing in essential repairs and minor renovations can make your property more attractive to buyers and potentially increase its market value.

Essential Repairs:

  • Fix Structural Issues: Address any major structural issues, such as roof leaks, damp problems, or foundation cracks.
  • Repair Fixtures and Fittings: Ensure all fixtures and fittings, such as door handles, light switches, and faucets, are in good working order.

Minor Renovations:

  • Kitchen and Bathroom Updates: Modernize these key areas with new fixtures, fittings, and appliances. Even minor updates can make a big difference.
  • Painting and Decorating: A fresh coat of paint in neutral colors can brighten up rooms and make them more appealing.
  • Flooring: Replace worn carpets or refinish hardwood floors to improve the overall look of the home.

Partnering with professionals who understand the intricacies of the London market can make a significant difference. Wigwam is looking for properties to convert in the UK, offering you the chance to unlock the value of your property in a highly profitable manner.

With your property properly prepared, the next step is to ensure it’s accurately valued. 

The following section will cover strategies for realistic pricing, the role of professional valuations, and how to incorporate market trends into your property’s valuation. 

Step 2: Accurate Property Valuation

Setting the right price for your property is crucial to attracting potential buyers and achieving a successful sale. Here’s how to ensure an accurate and competitive property valuation.

Strategies for Realistic Pricing: Avoiding Inflated Prices for Quicker Sales

Overpricing your property can lead to extended time on the market and reduced buyer interest. It’s essential to set a realistic price that reflects the true value of your property.

  • Market Research: Analyze recent sale prices of similar properties in your area. Websites like Rightmove and Zoopla provide useful data on local market trends.
  • Competitive Analysis: Compare your property to others currently on the market to understand what buyers are willing to pay.
  • Price Adjustments: Be prepared to adjust your price based on market feedback and changing conditions.

The Role of Professional Valuations in Setting a Market-Appropriate Price

Professional valuations provide an objective assessment of your property’s value, considering various factors such as location, condition, and market trends.

How to Get a Professional Valuation:

  • Hire a Chartered Surveyor: Look for a surveyor who is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) for a reliable valuation.
  • Multiple Valuations: Consider getting valuations from more than one professional to ensure accuracy.

Incorporating Improvements and Market Trends into Property Valuation

Enhancements and recent market trends can influence your property’s value. Highlighting these factors can justify a higher asking price.

Highlight Improvements:

  • Renovations: Mention any recent renovations or upgrades, such as a new kitchen, bathroom, or energy-efficient windows.
  • Maintenance: Ensure all maintenance work is documented and shared with potential buyers.

Market Trends:

  • Local Development: If your area is undergoing positive changes like new infrastructure or amenities, emphasize these in your listing.
  • Demand Shifts: Stay updated on market trends, such as increased demand for certain property types, and adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.

By following these strategies, you can set a realistic and competitive price for your property, making it more attractive to potential buyers and increasing the likelihood of a quick sale.

For more detailed guidance on property valuation and market trends, visit our comprehensive guide on Wigwam Storage Management.

With an accurate valuation in place, the next step is to choose the right estate agent to help market and sell your property.

Step 3: Choosing the Right Estate Agent

When choosing an estate agent, it’s essential to consider their experience, reputation, and local market knowledge. Here are key criteria to help you make an informed decision:

Experience and Reputation:

  • Track Record: Look for agents with a proven track record of successful sales in your area. Ask for references or check online reviews.
  • Professional Affiliations: Ensure the agent is a member of professional bodies such as the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) or the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

Local Market Knowledge:

  • Area Expertise: Choose an agent who specializes in your neighborhood and understands local market trends and property values.
  • Sales Data: Ask for recent sales data of similar properties in your area to gauge the agent’s knowledge and effectiveness.

The Benefits of Personalized Service from Boutique Agencies

Here’s why a boutique agency might be the right choice for you:

Personal Attention:

  • Dedicated Agent: You’ll likely have a dedicated agent who handles all aspects of your sale, ensuring consistent communication and personalized service.
  • Tailored Marketing: Boutique agencies often create customized marketing strategies that highlight the unique features of your property.

Flexibility and Responsiveness:

  • Adaptive Strategies: Smaller agencies can be more flexible and adapt their strategies quickly based on market feedback.
  • Quick Response: With fewer clients, boutique agents can respond more promptly to inquiries and provide personalized updates.

With the right estate agent on board, the next step is to market your property effectively. 

The following section will cover utilizing digital platforms, the impact of professional photography and virtual tours, and targeted marketing strategies tailored to the London market. 

Step 4: Marketing Your Property

Effective marketing is essential to attracting potential buyers and achieving a successful property sale. Here’s how to maximize your property’s exposure and appeal.

Utilizing Digital Platforms, Social Media, and Property Portals for Wider Exposure

Leveraging online platforms is crucial for reaching a broad audience. Utilize various digital channels to showcase your property.

  • Property Portals: List your property on popular property websites like Rightmove, Zoopla, and OnTheMarket to reach a wide audience of potential buyers.
  • Social Media: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share your property listing. Join local property groups and communities to increase visibility.

High-quality visuals and detailed information can significantly enhance your property listing and attract more interest.

  • First Impressions: Professional photos can make your property stand out by showcasing its best features in the best light.
  • High-Resolution Images: High-quality images provide a clear and attractive representation of your property, encouraging more viewings.

Virtual Tours:

  • Interactive Experience: Virtual tours allow potential buyers to explore your property remotely, giving them a better sense of the layout and space.
  • Convenience: Virtual tours are particularly appealing to busy buyers or those unable to visit in person.

Floor Plans:

  • Clarity: Detailed floor plans provide a clear overview of the property’s layout, helping buyers visualize how they can use the space.
  • Increased Engagement: Listings with floor plans often generate more interest and inquiries.

Targeted Marketing Strategies Tailored to the London Market

Tailoring your marketing efforts to the specifics of the London property market can help attract the right buyers and increase the chances of a successful sale.

  • Local Advertising: Advertise in local newspapers, magazines, and community boards to reach potential buyers in the area.
  • Email Marketing: Use email campaigns to target specific buyer segments interested in properties like yours.
  • Open Houses: Host open house events to allow potential buyers to view the property in person, creating a sense of urgency and competition.

Leveraging Local Knowledge:

  • Local Amenities: Highlight nearby amenities such as schools, parks, and transport links in your marketing materials.
  • Market Trends: Stay updated on the latest market trends and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly to appeal to current buyer preferences.

With a solid marketing plan in place, the next step is to prepare for property viewings. 

The following section will cover organizing and preparing for viewings, the advantages of accompanied viewings, and maintaining property conditions during the selling process. 

Step 5: Conducting Viewings

Efficient organization and preparation can significantly enhance the viewing experience for potential buyers.


  • Flexible Timing: Offer flexible viewing times to accommodate buyers' schedules, including evenings and weekends.
  • Avoid Overlapping: Schedule viewings with enough time in between to allow for thorough cleanups and to avoid overlapping visits.


  • Clean and Tidy: Ensure the property is clean, tidy, and free of clutter before each viewing. Pay special attention to high-traffic areas like the kitchen and living room.
  • Light and Airy: Open curtains and windows to let in natural light and fresh air, creating a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere.
  • Stage Strategically: Arrange furniture and decor to highlight the property’s best features and create a sense of spaciousness.

The Advantage of Accompanied Viewings for Direct Feedback

Accompanied viewings, where an estate agent or property owner is present, offer several benefits.

  • Immediate Feedback: You can address any questions or concerns potential buyers may have on the spot, providing valuable insights and reassurance.
  • Highlight Features: An agent can highlight the property’s key features and unique selling points, ensuring they are noticed and appreciated.
  • Personal Touch: Accompanied viewings allow for a personal connection, which can help build trust and rapport with potential buyers.

Tips for Accompanied Viewings:

  • Professionalism: Be polite, professional, and attentive during the viewing. Avoid hovering but be available to answer questions.
  • Preparedness: Have all necessary information about the property on hand, such as details about utilities, local amenities, and recent renovations.

Maintaining Property Condition and Heeding Feedback from Potential Buyers

Maintaining the property’s condition throughout the selling process is essential to making a good impression on every potential buyer.

Maintenance Tips:

  • Regular Cleaning: Keep the property clean and well-maintained, with regular touch-ups as needed.
  • Repair Issues Promptly: Address any maintenance issues or damages immediately to avoid deterring potential buyers.

Heeding Feedback:

  • Collect Feedback: After each viewing, ask the estate agent or buyers for feedback on their impressions and any concerns they might have.
  • Make Adjustments: Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments or improvements to the property, enhancing its appeal for future viewings.

With viewings effectively managed, the next step is to handle offers and negotiations. 

The following section will guide you through the process of receiving and negotiating offers, legal and financial preparation for the sale, and conducting preliminary buyer checks.

Step 6: Receiving and Negotiating Offers

When you receive an offer, it’s important to evaluate it carefully and respond promptly.

Offer Reception:

  • Document Offers: Keep a detailed record of all offers received, including the offer amount, buyer details, and any conditions attached.
  • Acknowledge Promptly: Acknowledge receipt of each offer promptly to maintain good communication with potential buyers.


  • Compare Offers: Evaluate each offer based on its financial value and any conditions, such as the buyer’s financing situation or desired closing date.
  • Consider Timing: Assess how each offer aligns with your timeline and any other considerations, such as whether the buyer is in a property chain.


  • Prompt Responses: Respond to offers quickly to keep buyers engaged and show that you are serious about selling.
  • Counteroffers: If the offer is lower than your asking price but otherwise acceptable, consider making a counteroffer to meet somewhere in between.

Legal and Financial Preparation for the Sale, Including Preliminary Buyer Checks

Ensuring that legal and financial preparations are in order is crucial for a smooth transaction.

Legal Preparation:

  • Conveyancing Solicitor: Engage a conveyancing solicitor early in the process to handle the legal aspects of the sale.
  • Title Deeds: Ensure all property documentation, including title deeds and any necessary permits, is in order.

Financial Preparation:

  • Mortgage Settlement: If you have an existing mortgage, inform your lender of the sale and obtain a settlement figure.
  • Financial Records: Gather all financial records related to the property, including tax documents and recent utility bills.

Preliminary Buyer Checks:

  • Financial Verification: Verify that the buyer has the financial means to complete the purchase, whether through mortgage pre-approval or proof of funds.
  • Background Check: Conduct a preliminary background check on the buyer to ensure there are no red flags that could delay or derail the sale.

With offers and negotiations handled efficiently, the next step is to navigate the legal and conveyancing process. 

The following section will guide you through selecting conveyancing solicitors, exchanging contracts, and managing completion day logistics.

Step 7: Legal and Conveyancing Process

Selecting a competent conveyancing solicitor early in the process ensures that all legal aspects are handled efficiently and correctly.

  • Recommendations and Reviews: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or your estate agent. Check online reviews to gauge the solicitor’s reputation.
  • Experience: Choose a solicitor with extensive experience in property transactions, particularly in the London market.
  • Communication: Ensure the solicitor communicates clearly and is responsive to your queries and concerns.

Exchanging Contracts: Making the Sale Legally Binding

The exchange of contracts is a pivotal moment in the property sale process, making the transaction legally binding.

  • Final Agreement: Both parties agree on the final terms of the sale, including the price and any conditions.
  • Deposit Payment: The buyer typically pays a deposit, usually 10% of the purchase price, which is held until completion.
  • Contract Signing: Both parties sign identical contracts, which are then exchanged by the solicitors, making the sale legally binding.


  • Completion Date: Agree on a completion date, which is the day the remaining balance is paid and ownership is transferred.
  • Insurance: Ensure the property is adequately insured from the date of exchange.

Completion Day Logistics: Transferring Ownership and Settling Financials

Completion day is when the sale is finalized, and ownership of the property is transferred to the buyer.

Preparation for Completion:

  • Final Inspection: Conduct a final inspection to ensure the property is in the agreed condition.
  • Utilities and Services: Arrange for the transfer or cancellation of utilities and services.

Completion Day Tasks:

  • Transfer of Funds: The buyer’s solicitor transfers the remaining balance to your solicitor.
  • Handover of Keys: Once the funds are received, hand over the keys to the buyer.
  • Final Paperwork: Your solicitor will handle the transfer of title deeds and notify the Land Registry of the change in ownership.


  • Settle Financials: Your solicitor will settle any outstanding mortgage balance and transfer the remaining proceeds to your account.
  • Confirm Closure: Ensure all utility accounts and services are closed or transferred to the new owner.

By managing the legal and conveyancing process efficiently, you can ensure a smooth transition and finalize the sale of your property successfully.

Step 8: Post-Sale Essentials

After the sale of your property is finalized, there are still a few essential tasks to complete to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s what you need to do.

Transferring Utilities and Notifying Changes of Address

It’s important to inform all relevant parties about your move and transfer or cancel utilities.

  • Contact Providers: Notify utility providers (electricity, gas, water, internet) about your move and arrange for final meter readings.
  • Transfer Services: If moving to a new property, arrange to transfer services to your new address.
  • Settle Bills: Ensure all outstanding bills are paid to avoid any complications.

Notifying Changes of Address:

  • Postal Services: Use Royal Mail’s redirection service to forward mail to your new address for at least a few months.
  • Financial Institutions: Inform your bank, credit card companies, and any other financial institutions of your new address.
  • Government Agencies: Update your address with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), and the DVLA for your driving licence and vehicle registration.

Final Tips on Ensuring a Smooth Transition for Both Seller and Buyer

Ensuring a smooth transition helps maintain a positive relationship and can prevent any post-sale issues.

For the Seller:

  • Clean the Property: Leave the property clean and in good condition for the new owners.
  • Leave Important Information: Provide a folder with manuals for appliances, warranty information, and any other useful details about the property.
  • Keys and Security: Ensure all keys, including spares, are handed over. Provide information on any security systems.

For the Buyer:

  • Welcome Guide: Consider leaving a welcome guide with useful information about the property and the local area.
  • Contact Information: Share your contact information in case the new owners have any questions or need assistance after moving in.

By completing these post-sale essentials, you ensure a smooth and hassle-free transition for both yourself and the new owners, leaving a positive final impression.

For more detailed insights and guidance on the entire property selling process, visit our comprehensive guide on Wigwam Storage Management.



Successfully selling property in London requires a strategic approach, from preparation and valuation to marketing, viewings, and navigating the legal process. By following these steps and working with experienced professionals, you can achieve a successful and profitable sale.

For more detailed insights and guidance on selling your property, visit our website Wigwam Storage Management.

Wigwam is actively looking for properties to convert into self-storage facilities across the UK. If you're considering unlocking the value of your property to create sustainable income, Wigwam can be your trusted partner. They offer remote self-storage solutions, designing, building, and operating remotely managed storage facilities that are secure and cost-effective.

Wigwam's Services Include:

  • Development: Designing, building, and operating remotely managed storage facilities.
  • Investment: Structuring successful joint ventures and partnerships with investors and landowners to maximize value for all stakeholders.
  • Management: Offering secure, convenient management through advanced technology, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Automated Operations: Using the latest technology for enhanced security and keyless entry.
  • Lower Operating Costs: Combining specialist staff and cutting-edge technology for cost-effective remote management.

To learn more about how Wigwam can help you maximize the value of your property through self-storage solutions, visit  Wigwam Storage Management website.

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