Proven Ways to Make Money in Real Estate Through Self-Storage

June 18, 2024

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A popular way to build wealth for a long time has been by investing in real estate. Property values tend to rise over time, offering capital appreciation over time. As there is a consistent demand for housing and commercial space, real estate has become a reliable source of income.

But what if you could enjoy the benefits of ownership and generate a regular income? There are several strategies to make money from real estate so that your property pays for itself. You can buy properties to rent out, flip houses for a quick profit, or invest in commercial real estate for a steady income.

Now, let’s understand the different real estate investment strategies and how you can benefit from them.

Buy-and-Hold Real Estate Investing

Buy-and-hold is a popular way to make money from real estate. You can purchase and operate self-storage facilities with the intention of holding onto them for a long period. You acquire the property, set up storage units, and rent them out. These properties can offer benefits through rental income and property appreciation over time. 

Here's how it works:

Long-Term Residential Investment 

Investing in long-term residential properties involves buying homes or apartments and renting them out to tenants. This strategy is excellent for offering a steady stream of income. This is a reliable investment as residential properties always stay in demand. 

Short-Term Vacation Rental

With the rise of platforms like Airbnb, short-term vacation rentals have become a great source to make money from real estate. You can purchase properties in popular tourist destinations and rent them out. During peak tourist seasons, your property can yield high rental income.

Commercial Spaces for Rent

Commercial real estate involves buying properties and renting them out to businesses. This could include office spaces, retail shops, or industrial units. Commercial leases are typically longer than residential ones, hence they are more stable. Plus, the maintenance costs often fall on businesses so you don’t have to worry about them.

Learn how commercial self-storage can help maximise your profit.

Buying and renting out a property provides a steady monthly income, but also comes with the responsibility of being a landlord. This includes dealing with repairs, potential vacancies, and unruly tenants. 

As a landlord, you get direct control over your property so you can make improvements that can increase its value. You also benefit from a steady income, tax deductions, and direct control over your property. But there are some risks you must also consider.

  1. Tenant Issues: You can have to deal with difficult tenants, late payments, or vacancies.
  2. Maintenance Costs: Owning property comes with ongoing maintenance and repair costs.
  3. Market Fluctuations: Real estate markets fluctuate which decreases your property’s value and affects the rental demand.
  4. Regulatory Changes: Changes in rental laws or property taxes can affect your profitability as a landlord.

Financial Implications

Setting up a self-storage facility requires some financial considerations, such as:

  1. Initial Investment: Buying a property requires a down payment, closing costs, and possibly renovation expenses.
  2. Ongoing Expenses: You must consider maintenance, property management fees, insurance, and taxes.
  3. Loan Payments: If you finance the purchase with a mortgage, you will have monthly loan payments which should be covered by rental income. 

Explore how Wigwam Storage Management can streamline your property management with state-of-the-art remote systems.

Let's dive into how developing a property can be just as lucrative.

Property Development

Developing property into self-storage facilities can be a lucrative way to make money from real estate. Here’s how you can turn existing properties and raw land into profitable investments.

Converting Existing Properties

Converting single-family homes into multiple units can increase your rental income and maximise property value. Multi-unit properties often have a higher market value. It also reduces the risk of vacancy affecting your total income. 

However, managing multiple tenants can be tough which requires efficient property management systems. Wigwam Storage Management offers remote management systems with top-tier security for your property. We help owners develop a self-storage facility and earn significant returns.

Developing Raw Land

Another strategy that yields major returns to help you make money from real estate is developing raw land. It can be for residential or commercial use. You have the flexibility to develop the land according to market demand. Plus, development costs can often be deducted, providing tax benefits.

Want to invest in a profitable self-storage facility? Get in a successful joint venture and partnership with us and get maximum value for your property. 

Not only development but renovating your property can also turn into profits. Let’s see how.

Renovating Properties for Profit

Renovating real estate properties for profit can enhance the value of your investment with great returns. You can convert already-owned properties, such as warehouses or large garages, into self-storage units. This strategy helps you reduce initial investment costs.

Here’s how you can benefit from this strategy:

Benefits of Purchasing and Renovating Homes

You can get impressive profits by purchasing and renovating homes. You can buy a property that needs repair or updation at a lower price. You only need to invest in its renovations, which are suitable for self-storage uses, and get a significant increase in its market value. This process is commonly known as house flipping.

Here are some key benefits:

  1. Increased Property Value: You can transform a run-down property into a highly desirable home through renovation. This allows you to make money from real estate and sell it at a much higher price.
  2. Tax Benefits: Some renovation expenses may be tax-deductible. It can reduce your overall tax liability.
  3. Rental Income Potential: You can decide not to sell your self-storage property immediately after renovation and use it as a source of rental income. 
  4. Hands-off Management: Self-storage facilities often require less day-to-day management. Many facilities operate with electronic access systems and online payments.
  5. Steady Rental Income: Self-storage units normally have long-term renters. They’re less likely to get damaged.
  6. Lower Vacancy Rates: Demand for storage space remains high due to factors like downsizing, frequent moves, and the rise of e-commerce. This means fewer empty units and more consistent income for you.

Wigwam’s facilities make a significant difference by utilising advanced technology solutions for high-quality, secure, and efficient storage.

Considerations for Flipping Properties

While renovating properties can be profitable, it also requires careful planning and execution. Here are some important considerations:

  1. Budget Management: Develop a clear budget for your renovation project. Consider costs such as purchase price, renovation expenses, and any unexpected costs.
  2. Market Research: Understand the local real estate market. Your chosen property should be in a desirable location. You may also evaluate the target consumer and make improvements that will appeal to the potential buyers.
  3. Quality of Renovations: Focus on high-quality renovations that will add the most value. Proper security, ventilation, and climate control are some factors that potential buyers consider in their self-storage units.

Consider reading this blog about How to make land pay for itself by utilising it for self-storage management.

While flipping properties is great, don’t overlook the potential of unused spaces.

Utilising Unused Spaces

One of the simplest ways to make money from real estate is by utilising unused spaces. This can be an excellent way to generate income with minimal investment. Here’s how:


  1. Immediate Income: You can start earning almost immediately after listing your space.
  2. Low Investment: Minimal renovation costs are required compared to other real estate investments.
  3. Flexibility: You can choose between short-term and long-term rentals based on your preferences and availability.

Profiting from Unused Spaces

If you have an unused space such as a parking try converting it into self-storage. This is useful if you live in an area with minimal parking. Here are some considerations:

  1. Tenant Management: You must manage tenants, including bookings, maintenance, and potential issues.
  2. Regulations: To avoid legal complications, try to comply with local rental laws and regulations.
  3. Market Research: Understand the rental market in your area to set competitive prices.
  4. Security: Secure the space with top security measures to attract more renters.
  5. Pricing: Set competitive prices based on the demand in your area.

Speaking of innovation, let’s talk about how green technology can boost your income and help the planet.

Investing in Green Technology

Green technology is not only good for the environment but can also enhance your financial returns. Green technology installations such as solar panels, energy-efficient lighting, and eco-friendly building materials can reduce your operating costs. 


  1. Reduced Operating Costs: Solar panels and energy-efficient systems can cut your electricity and heating costs.
  2. Increased Property Value: Properties equipped with green technology can lead to higher rental rates and sale prices.
  3. Government Incentives: Many governments offer tax credits, rebates, and incentives for green technology installations.


  1. Upfront Costs: Installing green technology can be costly at first, so it’s important to calculate the return on investment (ROI).
  2. Maintenance: Some green technologies may need specialised maintenance.

Making Strategic Moves

Stay informed about market trends and future developments. By understanding where the market is headed, you can make informed decisions that maximise your returns. Here’s how having knowledge of the market can benefit you:

  • Knowing market trends helps you buy properties in up-and-coming areas before prices skyrocket.
  • You can avoid areas that might decline in value by understanding their future developments.
  • You can use your knowledge of the market cycles to buy low and sell high.

However, real estate markets are dynamic so it requires constant learning and adaptation. Gather information from reliable sources, such as industry reports, market analyses, and expert opinions. Plus, you can build a network of professionals who can provide valuable insights and early access to opportunities.

Final Thoughts

The world of real estate offers numerous ways to build wealth. The self-storage sector is a particularly promising sector with major benefits to help you make money from real estate. Whether you're buying and operating facilities or investing in already established properties, professional help is necessary.

Wigwam Storage Management can help you unlock the value of your property to create sustainable income. We can help you develop and manage self-storage facilities across the UK as well as invest in some reliable properties. 

Wigwam leverages remote management features for enhanced security and operational efficiency. Our cutting-edge technologies from Bluetooth cloud-based locks to keyless entry can properly secure your units.

If you're a property owner or investor looking for a reliable way to generate income, consider self-storage with Wigwam Storage Management. Get in touch with us today or contact us to discover how we can help you succeed in the dynamic UK self-storage market.

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